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I really need help. I have no insurance, I earn too much money {huh} to receive state aid, {I gross $1400 per month}, however I do qualify for a medical spend down through the state as long as I incur the first $1347 per MONTH of medical costs. After being diagnosed with high blood pressure, depression and other related problems, I knew I had sleep apnea, but the doctors wouldn't/couldn't do anything to help until I had a sleep study and had documented proof of obstructive sleep apnea. I did have the sleep study. In a 90 minute period, I experienced 220 sleep apnea attacks, and had O2 stats as low as 75%. The doctor prescribed a CPAP machine. Since the sleep study cost well over $1300, I qualified for some of my medical expenses paid over $1300. Medicaid will only rent the machine for three months, if it is still needed a fourth month, then, medicaid pays for the machine. Well, March is the only month I will qualify for Medicaid coverage due to the extreme medical expenses of the sleep study. A CPAP machine costs approx. $1500, and I can not afford this at all. I can not even afford the $139 per month rent to own plan. My income is so strained... I have so many bills! The agents at the medical supply company told me with such sleep apnea stats that I have, my health is in great danger .... ANY ADVICE?????