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I am a 59 year old male, who seven weeks ago was referred for workup of an autoimmune disease due to an elevated blood test. During that workup and subsequent testing I have been diagnosed with cancer of the liver with mets to both lungs and to the pancreas. I go for a bone scan tomorrow. I am basically asymptomatic. I have chronic back pain from a failed spinal fusion; but have not noticed the pain to be any different. I have had none of the common signs of cancer. The Oncologist stated that about 20% of patients who are found to have cancer are asymptomatic. He said my prognosis is poor, and chemotherapy is the treatment. My question is has anyone out there been a similar situation or known someone that was. I was also wondering if I should subject myself to chemotherapy, with its potential side effects, since, at this time, I don't really feel bad. If anyone has any thoughts they can give me to help me with my decision I would appreciate it. I am to see my doctor again on 3/29.