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Seems I'm in the same shape you are, but I'm 40 now. The first time, when I was 25, a 40% collapse of the left side, progressed into a full collapse when I was 34, misdiaganosed? as pericarditis but I did have fluid around my heart(when I was 25). Every time I get a chest cold now the pain (like being jabbed with a hot ice pick) is still there and its getting to the point where my chest is tight, short breaths and as recent as last month, had to go to an inhaler to breath, and the ER for breathing treatments. Was worse the day before at the ER intake was 88%. I don't know if it was service connected (USAF) but is has progressed to the point I am getting scared I will not be able to continue employment. I worked around aircraft and weapons storage areas. Quit smoking after the partial collapse when I was 25. Started again after about 2 years. Quit for good after one of many bouts with this thing more than 5 years ago. No other family history similar to me. Thin build, 6'0. I heard so much bs about this I still dont know what caused it or what it might be. But I KNOW how much a pain is is to live with, hope someone will make the right conclusion and offer some sort of better treatment that will cure it. Best of luck to all of you who have been there and have the tube scars like me.