A blood clot in the lung is the cause for a Plumonay Embolism. I suffered a serious car accident five years ago which broke my neck in 5 places (C2, C3, C4, C6 & C7). The hospital I was admitted to knew what was aat risk and despite my injuries (by a miracle I wasn't made a Paraplegic) they got me out of bed and made me walk. I was transfererd to a Spinal Injuries unit and they just left me in bed. The result was I suffered a massive Plumonary Embolism some 2 weeks or so later which resulted in me being rushed in to Intensive Care Unit. I was 63 years old at the time. Because of the injury to my neck, I was though discomfort confind to 'the settee, so this winter I suffered a DVT. I am looking for some natural cure to get over my difficulties. If anyone has any suggestions, I would be pleased to hear them.