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Hi I am 13 years old and have no eye lashes. Why? at fist the doctors didn't know what it was thought it might just be allerges. Nope I found out later that it is much worst. OCD obsessive compulsive disorder. It may not seem that bad to you but when you can over hear people talking behind your back about the "lash-less" girl in school, with the nickname "lashley" it hurts. I've been trying for a year now to stop, but each time I get more eger wanted to pull the one eyelash that bothers me. But it's much more than that, once I take one eyelash they all seem to "itch". I am now very aware of my OCD and am trying to fight it every day. It runs in the family through my father's side. My sister once had it and she pulled out her hair, my dad is a cleaning fanatic. When I look at my Mother as she asks me "you haven't been pulling your eyelashes have you?" it hurts me to see the look on her face when I have to say yes.I am sick of hurting people and I want to get over this awful disease.I some one out there has any helpful hints or has this problem who would like to talk please respond to this letter. Thank you for your time. *Amanda*