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A little over two weeks ago I had a bout of diarrhea, two days later woke up with pain in my lower right abdomen near the hip bone. Pain was quite intense for four days. I went to my gynecologist as I had just gotten off birth control pills and wondered if there was a connection there. He said it could be that I am ovulating for the first time in 10 years. The pain went away but came back a day later under my right shoulder blade in the back. Went to the ER as pain was very bad and they did blood tests. They showed my liver enzymes were elevated, hepatitis tests can back negative, sonogram on my gallbladder showed no abnormalities, no kidney trouble, have had no fever. I have had very little appetite, a little nausea, sporadic diarrhea bouts and the pain is in my right side most of the time now. I'm thinking I may need to see a gastroenterologist next. Any advice would be very much appreciated.