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i have primary systematic amyloidosis involving soft, connective tissue, nerve system and my bladder no longer contracts. as of yet, my heart, kidneys and liver do not seem to be affected. i have had 2 corpal tunnels on left wrist and three on right, i have had all fingers and thumbs released because of triggers. orthscop on both knees, 3 cervical lamnectimes, transfer of finger tendons to replace dead thumb muscles and ulnar nerve transfer. i also had to have c-sections because i would not dialate. i also have severe spinal stenosis in lower back and moderate stenosis at cervical level. i am about to have surgery on my left shoulder because of a massive rotator cuff tear, several other tears and several other things. my mri also showed that i have very little of my bicep muscle left in my left arm. i did not physically injure myself. this disease can be very cruel in many different ways. i also have alot of thickening in the bottom of my feet. as of yet, my research has not revealed another case like mine. please let me know