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Dear cheryl, i have the same problem that you have but my doctors are reluctant to make a diagnosis--i am 64,this illness started 4 years ago with swelling of my joints and has now progressed to extremely painful joints, muscles, and tendons, along with the burning numbness of the outer three fingers of both hands and arms. the numbness has just started in my tongue and legs and feet. i get the same feeling in my chest(esphogus ?)and around the area where my diaphram is. i was a smoker and my doctors blame everything that i have on this but will not look past it, i'm afraid something else is going on in my body and is being ignored. i have been put on oxygen therapy and nebulizing but i think part of my distress in breathing is being caused by this other problem. if you or anyone else can help me please contact me.Thanks for your time and trouble.