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My son has had nystagmus since birth. He has always been active, healthy and happy. I never thought that it affected him in any way until now. Last year in first grade I volunteered a lot at school and I saw that he had trouble staying on task and focusing. He was easily distracted. My first thought was adhd. He has a brother and sister with adhd so I attributed everything to adhd. This year the teacher came to me and we discussed having him diagnosed adhd with a psycologist. I did take him to be evaluated. He was indeed diagnosed adhd. He has a weak teacher this year and we have had several meetings this year making sure he is getting everything he needs to get to succeed. He has no learning disability and makes very good grades. At the last meeting we had the head of special education was there and she said you may have more of a vision problem than an adhd problem. So this is my question, do kids with nystagmus fidgit, do not stay on task, easily distracted, have horrible handwriting and are hyperactive? If anyone has the same thing in their child, let me know. I may be going at his education in the wrong direction. His teacher has been out too, too much this year. The adhd problems says that kids with adhd do not adapt well to change, even if it is good change. I have been in the principals office many times this year wondering where the structure in the classroom is. I may need to take a different approach to make him all he can be. thanks