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Hi,10 years ago, I could hold nothing down, they did a Sphinteroplasty and then I came up with bad Pancreatitis. Found out there was a Pseudocyst in the Pancrease, so they gave me a ostomy bag for drainage, all this was done during exporatory surgery, I was in the hospital for 7 weeks. they did surgery put in a stent for a while but it is okay now. Now I am back to the Pancreatitis again, they did a ERCP and the duct from the Pancrease was blocked (what couses the blocking?) So, they put a stent in the Pancrease duct to hold it open, I am to go back in 4 weeks to have the stent removed by ERCP. What causes all these Pancrease problems? What if that duct hadn't been taken care of? Thankfully I do not have Diabetes, and can do without it! Thank you, for any thing you can add, and taking the time to help me. Is there any good reading material for a lay person to read, to understand that Pancrease more? Bless you for helping people like me. bta