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I have been hearing a man yell at his kid the same 10 or so phrases over and over and over for hours on end. I seem to be the only one hearing this. I have recorded it and can hear it when I play it back but still no one else is picking up on it. I find it hard to believe I am the only one hearing this one sided conversation. The boy only screams and cries and Dad just yells all the more.Does tinnitus always have to be a ringing or swish sound? After listening very very hard to this I begin to hear it in an echo. Those echoes make me believe it's not real. But when I hear it fresh for the first time of the day, I could swear it's really happening. So do voices and conversations play a part in tinnitus? If the noises around this get very loud I can't hear the guy. If it's quiet, I can hear it all too well. I really don't want to hear voices the rest of my life. I feel I need to do something to help the poor kid that's getting yelled at, but I can't pinpoint the exact location of the voices. It's ruining everything! My family relationships, my neighborly relationships and my own relationship with myself. Anyone else have this problem? schitzophrenia comes to mind but I'm sure I'm not that far gone.Thanks for listening.