I suffered from hives in the past, and have been free from them for at least 15 years. I found a good homeopathic practioner, and found that the treatment was effective and seemingly permanent. Homeopathy is perhaps slower than the result one might receive from steroids or from antihistamines, but aims to eliminate whatever causes the hives from the system. So for some extra days with the hives, the outcome was more long-lasting. You are probably in the USA, I magine homeopathic practioners are easily found via health food stores or naturopathic clinics. If I were ever to have another attack, I think I would now also use acupuncture, if only to rid the system of heat build-up, but of course I'd check with the homeopath to make sure the treatments weren't clashing. Having observed my elderly mother dealing with doctors for a rash on her legs, I find "Western medecine" (homeopathy is, of course, also 'Western") rather lacking in its ability to treat skin disorders such as hives.