tilly bluitt
I am a dyslexia teacher and I have a 32 month old son who only verbalizes a couple of words. Baby, Moma, cookie, please, hello, bye, etc. He does not say any 2 word phrases. His receptive ability is normal in my opinion, he understands everything I tell him. He interacts with his baby sister and other kids like a normal 2 1/2 year old would. He just does not talk. He has a speech therapist that comes once a week for 45 min. He has been receiveing theraphy for about 3 months now. I know that it will take a while, but I am not seeing any improvement. He will have an overall developmental test done at the end of the month. I read about Apraxia and I feel that he exhibits some of the characteristics. Can someone talk to me and help me understand more about it, please. Thanks, Tilly in Texas