I had a circumcision carried out a week ago as I had a very tight foreskin that I could not retract over the glans, and also a short and tight frenelum, both which caused me pain and soreness upon sexual intercourse, as well as small splits in my foreskin. Since the operation I have noticed that on having an erection, my erections seem shorter, by about 1 inch. I have been reading the web sites about circumcision, both for and against. On the for side it states that circumcision does not reduce the penis in any way, but only removes the foreskin covering the glans. On the against side it states that the double layered foreskin provides the skin necessary to accommodate the expanded organ during an erection. Which argument is correct? I am worried (hopefully unnecessarily) that the circumcision has reduced the length of my erections, by having my foreskin removed. Or should things return more to normal after a while? I am seeing my Urologist next week and will of course discuss this with him, but I would be very grateful for your advice/opinions.