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I have had decreasing visual field for the past 5 years, starting in one eye, and eventually the other. Symptoms come in flare ups very often. Eyes feel like sand is in them, looks as if I'm looking through snow or as if pixels from a computer screen have been taken out, you can tell what you're looking at but not clearly, pieces are missing, hair falls out in patches the size of a dime to a quarter, then grows back. Joint pain and abdominal pain on occasion with uncomfortable urination. The visual symptoms stay as described, never better, just progresses with flare ups. The rashes come and go as well as the episodes of hair loss, have been to several doctors, opthamologist, neurologists, internal med, dermatology, rheumatologists, NO ANSWERS, bigest concern is visual loss, I am glad for any suggestions as to what this may be, it is very devistating. Any ideas appreciated.