My neice, sister and I have lactose intolerence and we get either diaherra or constiaption, it depends what we eat how much we eat, etc. So this means your granddaughter can be lactose intolerent. Keep her away from any milk products for a while and see how she is. (check labels, as some things which you wouldn't think, have milk or a milk diritive in them) Go to the web and find out other names for milk products. Also take note, lots of medications have lactose in them as a filler. By the way, my neice suffered from this as a baby at a time when they didn't know much about it then. She is now 26 years old and a mother of 2 children. And they told my sister she would never develope normally, Ha, Ha! If you just be careful with her diet she'll grow up just fine. Lots of people are lactose intolerent and are living normal lives. Good luck.