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My father Waheed Badrakhan is 65 years old, an ex-smoker since 1994, he got spontaneous right pneumothorax, clinical & radiological examination of the chest revealed severe case, chronic obstructive lung disease. The lung was extensively diseased & the feeding bronchiole of a rupted cyst was sutured. Partial pleurectomy was done as well, he passed uneventful post operative course. Emphysematous chest with left lower lung zone emphysematous bullaue pulmoonary hypertension. right middle lung zones patchy opacity likely pneumontis. However since that time he is on medical treatment Cortisone, Oxygen and Quiibron , Nitroniack and baby asprine and sometimes an injection every month called diiprophos but now non effective + nebulizer ventolin inhaler atrovent. He is sitting on bed so he lost his legs muscles and became very weak and depressed although the doctors recommended walking activity, more going out but he could not, he is always frightened from having the asthma and sitting beside his machines Is there any new medicine or new line for treatment for my patient? DB