Catherine Moon
Hi, I also have coldsores with lupus. However, I go to a Reumatoid Spec. and my blood work says I'm positive for lupus, he says that it does not ness. mean I have lupus. I had a small place to come upon my nose. I went to my reg. phy. he sent me to a skin spec. who did a biop. on it , it came back discoid lupus. I have not had another one to come but my nose gets very red on the end if I get in the sun. I've not had any anyplace else.I get very tired when my lupus is active and have coldsores. I take Arthrotec Tabs and plaquenil. If I get off my plaquenil,I get a coldsore. This time I can't seem to get rid of it. I have been very tired since I have had this coldsore. I also ache from head to toe as if I have the Flu. I have chills with it. I can take a tylenol Arthritis my arthrotec tabs and it helps. one time I hurt for three days before I figured it out. I was losing my hair until I started taking plaqunil. My doctor doesn"t feel I have lupus because I don't have all the symptons. however from what i read on lupus not everyone has all the symptons. I had the byopsy about three years ago. I don't have the symptons of people wwho have had it for 15-20 years.I can feel good and try to get in everything i can't get done when i'm so tired . I also have a lot of tumers which I feel is connected. Have had several removed and byop. done on them none have been malig. yet. this young boy I know has lupus and has tumers with his. He has tiredness also. no hair loss but arthritus symptons as I do.I don't know if he has coldsores or not. Have taken lysine but not the acicodopholisb but will get some thanks foor the hint. Catherine