Bonnie Jones
Message 1 of 1
I am not sure if I spelled that right but I was told I have an illness that fits in this catagory. I have also been told I have probable MS, Fibromyalgia, and a general neuropathy. I am totally unsatisfied with what little information I have been able to get out of my Neurologist and Rheumatologist. My MD says they simply dont know what is wrong with me. My question is am I the only one? Or are other people experiencing the same thing? I get severe attacks of pain that move around my body. I get dizzy, nausea, and blurred vision frequently. I have psorriassis to the point where my fingers swell and split open on a regular basis,and a lot of allergies.My MRI showed spots (lesions)on my brain but my spinal tap was negative for MS. I would like to know if anyone else has the same or similar symptoms and if so what have they found out about it? Thanks