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I am 50, born with CP and as yet I can still get around on my own. Leg pain recently led to an x-ray and I found that I have a deformity in my pelvic area. I am missing the horseshoe shaped bones that meet at the hip socket. Over the last six weeks or so I have developed lower back pain and getting out of bed is painful. Within the last couple of weeks I also have occasional tingly feet. I wasn't told about my CP until about thirty years ago and was told then that if I lived long enough I would probably wind up in a wheelchair. Yet I just read that it rarely progresses. I am also diabetic but my sugar doesn't get higher then 137 with diet and exercise alone. I was born with the RH factor. I can live so far with the pain in my back, I've had it most of my life when I bend forward but the tingly feet scare me. Is there any exercise, heat, magnet therapy, etc that can help this? Thanks.