Maureen, why havent you seen a specialist. i too have the same problem as you along with 2 severe herniated disk and am having surgery in a month. im shocked by what your doctor said. I have been in the medical industry for over 20years and am surprised at what your doctor said. get a consultation with an orthopedic and take it from there. they offer therapy usually within there own practices. have you ever tried magnets? Nowadays there built right into the back braces. there is help out there, it seems your not in the right place. you mentioned you cant take painkillers, and you know thats great, there highly addictive. im having epidurals and also wear a duragesic patch and it helps alittle. in addition, i stretch, swim use ice and take baths. Im 42 and can relate i have 3 children and know its tough to rest. one of my children is only 4, but if your children are older, deligate the housework honey!!!!!! god bless