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cat scratch diease


Message 1 of 1

I'm recovering from CDS. I started getting sick around the last of Sept.. Felt like I was taking the flu. It even hurt to comb my hair.Ikept thinking that if was the flu I should be over it by now. I went my doctor on 10/20/00. She ran some blood test told me to come back if I got worse or in two weeks. On the following Tuesday 10/24 I found a small knot in my neck about the size of a pea. I still felt really bad. Thyroid cancer run in my family. Already had a thyroid problem. I was really scared. I got an appointment on Saturday 10/28. That night I startedd running a fever around 103. I went back to see the doctor on 11/1. Everynight I would heat up to almost 104. My regulaar doctor was out the past 2 time I was there. Iwas dehydrated. This doctor started running test. The knot was the size of a walnut now. I was to come back the next day to see my regular doctor. THe next day they put me straight in the hospital. The knot was 2.5cm on 11/2 and by the next morning it was 5cm. I stayed in the hospital for a week the highest my temp. got was 105.2. By the time I checked out of the hospital the knot was the size of a goose egg. They still wasn't sure what it was. The whole time I was in the hospital I was on Clindamtcin by vien 24 hours a day. I was sent home on 11/9 on Clindamycin HCL 150mg CAPS SHN. I took 2 capsules by mouth 4 times a day. On 11/13 I had to have the lymph node gland removed. It wasn't cancerous Thank God! But it was CSD. I was sent home same day on Clindamycin HCL 150mg Caps SHN again. This time 2 by mouth 3 times a day. I was also on Ibu's 600mg every 6 hours. Istill run a real high fever everyday untilthe first of December. I still run on of and on it only goes to about 101. I'm begining to feel some better. But they also made me have complete bed rest. I still only do things a little at a time. I only baby sit my granddaughter. I've only watched her 3 times since I've been sick. And that was a have to case. Today is the first day I have called and ask for her since I got sick. It just takes time to get over it. Even though I got a grandchild I'm not that old I'm only 35. I also have to go to see my regular physician once a week and they keep a real close eye on me. I was wondering has your mouth be real sore? Mine has they say it's from my temp. plus a the medicine that I haave been on. They keep running an ANA blood test on me. That also has something to with your rheumatory system. To the best of my knowledge they aren't conected. Do you have any trouble like this?


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