I don't care what they told you, because they are oviously treating you with what is generally accepted these days as the best way to treat both Borderline PD as well as Bipolar illness. I Take Wellbutrin, Trazodone, Risperdal and Depakote. Sound familiar? And I was diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder, major depresion with psychotic features and Genralized Anxiety Disorder. I got this info from my therapist. My actual Psychiatrist is a very tight lipped guy. I think he does not come out and say it for fear of 1)That someday the info in his medical records will be used against me in court (my X tried to take custody of the kids away from me over this) and I think he also thinks that I need to focus on helping myself now and not on the diagnosis. If you are anything like me youlike to know everything about everything and you want the Dr to tell you now. What I am saying is whether or not the Dr said you are BPD or not the treatment is the same. However, in addition to the meds, I suggest a good therapist who does cognitive behavioural therapy. It has really helped me over that last hump that medication couldnt help. The Dr said I will be on medication for the rest of my life (because I have had relapse after relaps since I was 15 --I will be 30 next month) Anyway, also if you read about the BPD online please do not be discouraged by what you read that we have a high likely hood of not becomming well. That is just a downer you don't need. If you believe that crap you will just fall into the trap and be a self-fulfilling prophecy. You will make it come true because you will believe you cant get better. There is never a permanent end all be all cure I dont think, but there is improvement and I think you can do it! But if you really HAVE to know, just ask. Ask them to go over the DSM with you on the diagnostic indcators and simply ask if he/she could explain why you do or do not have bipolar or borderline personality disorder. And, if you have neither why are you on that particular combo of drugs that is commonly used to treat both problems. Questions you have every right to ask, for your own peace of mind if necessary. You have to be specific with psychitrists. they will only answer your questions as simply as possible I think because many think knowing as much as they do could hurt your therapy (I htink its ridiculous but in some instances warranted). Just ask the dr those questions and keep your chin up, so to speak! Take care.