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Strange symptoms have been tormenting me now for 1,5 year. It all started very suddenly with my skin getting very oily, absence of periods and hairloss. These symptoms can be explained by elevation of DHEA, adion and testosterone hormones.The reason why these hormones have become elevated is, in spite of tests, a mystery. A couple a weeks after this I had a tremendous stomach ace after which my stomach has been permanently swollen. My waist increased with 10 cm and my stomach even more. My stomach area feels completely abnormal. I had a stomach and gyn. ultrasound but nothing abnormal was found. The reason must be accumulation of visceral fat and/or fluid retention. My breasts have also been permanently enlarged. Sometimes my hips became swollen but this is not fortunately a permanent symptom. All this is very strange since I have always been rather slim with no weight problems. If You have any idea of what kind of endocrinological problem I am suffering of please let me know. Isa