Brenda,I was interested to read your e-mail about having a colectomy. You sounded very positive. I am in the process of deciding whether to have a colostomy at the moment. It wouldn't have to be done as an emergency, I've got time to research. I've had UC for 15 yrs now and have come close a few times to having surgery. But now I'm just fed up of having pain in my gut and my joints. The joints are the worst though and I'm worried about how they seem to be deteriorating. I also am so tired all the time. I'm hoping that a colectomy will stop my joints from getting any worse & of course I can come off all the medication that I've taken all these years. Did you have a similar problem with your joints, and if so did they improve? I also am worried about feeling sexy still as body image is very important to me. Please reply if you have time. stewart.