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To those of you who have Endo or know someone who does. The pain can be crippling and the fear of not being able to have children due to tube blockage, etc. is terrible. However, if you have pain and it's persistent, don't ignore it. Find a caring gyno or fertility specialist. I live in London and found two great doctors who recommended laparoscopy which has increased my chances of having children. Also, I spent hours on the Web researching the disease, genetic linkss/current research, and how to deal with the pain. I would also highly recommend searching amazon.com for current books on Endometriosis includine one I recently bought on how to fight it naturally: pressed oils, daily linseed oil intake, eat certain fish, relax, get enough sleep, do yoga or anything else that helps pull energy inward to fight this. Combination of proper surgery, seeking out best doctors to advise you on options, and eating right/resting will put you back on the right track. Good Luck and raise awareness of this disease that affects 20% of women globally and needs more attention/research/money thrown at it.