Vicki, I too thought there was a possibility that I had Pagets Disease since I had a very bad rash on my breasts. A friend of mine is a nurse in Women's Health at a local hospital and she asked if I had purchased new bras recently. Well I had. It seems the bra manufacturers use some type of thread in the seam of the bra which causes irritation on the breast. I continued to put cream on my breasts, could not afford to purchase new bras as I had just paid 80 dollars for the new bras I am wearing. I lay one kleenex in my bra and after about 6 weeks my breasts are clearing up. This may not be the same for you but I had myself worked into a frenzy after reading about Pagets Disease of the Breast. Hopefully, what this is is just a rash as my friend said which is very common due to the type of nylong thread used in bras now.