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To begin, I've been allergic to molds for the past 9-10 years. I take benadryl on a regular basis. Over the past month I came down with a pretty bad cold, after about a week or week and a half I began experiencing a worsened cough, with dis-colored mucus, "clogged" ears, & I can hardly taste or smell anything. I've been through two bottles of cough syrup, and see no difference. I bought ear drops - which also had no effect. After talking with a co-worker who also suffers from allergies, I'm beginning to believe that I have a sinus infection. I've searched on the web to learn more about this condition, and I have all of the symptoms. I am trying to get to a doctor, but up to this point it hasn't happened. Because of the fact that the 2 bottles of cough syrup did nothing, I'm almost positive I need antibiotics. Some of the information that I've read from other sinus infection sufferers, tends to scare me. People have stated that the antibiotics perscribed, did very little or didn't help the infection at all. Yesterday I read something about inhaling warm water with a teaspoon of salt in it through your nostrils (effect being: to loosen the mucus.) Well, I tried that. It helpd my breathing a little, but my ears seem more clogged than before. In another day or so, It will be three weeks that I've had these symptoms. At this point, is this considered "chronic", and can this have a damaging effect to my ears? The only time I read anyone mentioning "fullness of the ears" was by a doctor (W.S. Tichenor, MD.) explaining what sinusitis is. Is the severity of my "ears" normal, I haven't heard clearly for two weeks now. Also, how much effect do my allergies have on this? From a first timer.... what are the statistics of re-occuring infections? Some reassuring comments please!!!!