Lana Kos
I'm a registered nurse and have a spina bifida child. He also has a chromosome abnormality, but is cognitively on tract. He has a severe speech problem that has been diagnosed by a ST as Apraxia. To make a long story short, I have found something that is helping him tremendously. He is now able to speak to where we can understand him and carry on short conversations. The miracle is cod liver oil gelcaps. I found out that a female pediatrician was treating children with autism by giving them cod liver oil and it's reversing the autism. It seems it helps by providing the body with vitamin A which helps the neurotransmitters of the brain function properly. I give my son one half of the adult dose. His attention span has increased and his speech has dramatically improved. I'm homeschooling, the phonics and reading is only furthering his speech development. I've been working intensively on these, but he didn't seem to grasp the concepts until I started the cod liver oil! I hope this information helps someone. Lana Kos, RN