I,too,had some pain after childbirth. I did not have severe pain. I had hip-joint pain when I'd lay on my sides, or walking. I learned to shorten my stride. That helped walking hip pain. Breastfeeding is robbing you of calcium, so just increase the amount of calcium...I don't know the exact dose..a nurse may know. I had to increase my calcium...I took prenatal vitamins as long as I was nursing. That was important!And then when I stopped nursing, I went back to regular vitamins. I had to slow down on the physical exercise. I, too, was into exercise before childbirth. My knee joints had pain because, I imagine, all that weight I carried during pregnancy was wearing on the joints and spread my bones everywhere, so I had to stop jogging and I walk (fast) now, with a shorter stride. After pregnancy, your joints can be affected, and it does take a good year to heal...sometimes 1 1/2 yrs. I am older too, and that slows a person down. I had my kids (2 1/2 yrs. and 4 1/2 yrs old now) when I was in my mid-thirties. That is harder to bounce back when you are an older pregnant person! It can be takes longer sometimes. It is important to go slooooow. Do not lift heavy weights like you might have before pregnancy. It has to be gradual. You may have to alter the physical movements, and change the routine to make it less stressing on your joints. I would also keep digging for the right doctor or nurse that has experience in this...don't stop at the doctor that you talked to. I hope I've helped some.