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I started have this problem the 1st part of august. At first I thought it was just back pain from being on my feet to long during a trip to disney world. Then It got worse so i thought i may be a kidney infectionj since i have had them before. I went to a doctor she did a U.A. and found out i was dehydrated and my red blood count was high. she sent me to have a soni-gram. They found cysts on both ovaries about a 1" 1/2. from there I went to a ob gyn. She had a cat scan done which should I had kidney stones. so she sent me to a Uralogist who did a I V x-ray. They x-ray should the stones were to samll to be causing be so much pain. So she suggested i have my gall bladder or maybe muscular problems. In the mean while I was very discouraged.Weeks latter I called a nother doctor who called a different uralogist he looked at my Cat-scan and found what looked like a cyst on my right kidney. So I go to see him tues. of this week. Mean while myb period has started an the pain i my back is so bad a tnight i cant sleep it feels like I'm having contractions and the pain seems worse with my peroid. I have gone to 4 different doctors since the bveginning of August I haven't got any help. I'm scare to go to this new doctor thinking he to might send me somewhere eles. I can"t hardly get up out of a chair, or roll over in bed. It is inb my very low back and low pelvic on the sides. Can any one help me 43 years old.