Gary Robinson
Message 1 of 1
I have a 6 month old niece who has epilepsy because of severe and prolonged anoxia at birth. There are many issues, but the major one is to control her epilepsy so that the other corrective therapies and exercises can be instituted. I therefore need pointers as to where I find information on treatment options and hopefully THE specialist. I am a research scientist and can understand the literature, but I know nothing about epilepsy and want to find a resource for me and also my brother and his partner. N.B. I do not need cold-call e-mails from nutrition supplement companies. I need information on what medications and treatments are appropriate and how we can get Ellie from being so over-medicated that she sleeps all the time. The opposite being 77 seizures in 5 hours; according to my brother. I do not know what tests are appropriate to determine the relative safety and side effect profile as well as the effectiveness for any dose titrations that might be performed. Currently, I would say her medical care is woefully inadequate. This needs to change, and quickly. If there is a note of insistence in this message, it is meant to be there. Many thanks for your time.