Mrs. K
Hello Everyone! My husband and I have a 10 year old daughter that was labeled with Motor Sensory Dyspraxia very early on. She's my sweetie and my angel and I think I'm gonna cry typing this message. She is always helpful in the kitchen with me and, as I do, she loves to cook and garden with her father. The biological mother is very bitter towards my husband and I, to say the least. We have contacted the authorities regarding the many details of our situation and bio-mother has indicated to authorities that she is prone to blackouts. I have done quite a bit of reading/research on the subject and have not noticed blackouts to be any part of this condition nor have we ever experienced this type of thing with our little girl. If anyone has any information/experience with their child having blackouts please respond. Looking forward to hearing from any of you out there and any imput you might have. Thank you in advance for your responses. Mrs. K