Karen G
MOOD SWINGS Her mood swings sound like normal PMS symptoms caused by the hormones. These can be minimized by using a vitamin B50 tablet along with magnesium tablet. However, I would recommend asking your physician or pharmacist how much she can take as she is still a child and also on other medications. One reference is: Eade?. "The Doctor's Guide to Vitamins & Minerals". It gives symptoms of deficiency, overdose and toxicity. You also might consider seeing a naturopathic physician who might be able to provide another view. I would then try to eliminate all soy foods from the diet. Lastly, if it were possible, I would try to buy meat/milk through health food stores where they might be free of hormones and antibiotics. For what it is worth, my mother hit puberty at 9 and she has done fine since then. I hope you can find a solution to your problems. I wish you success.