My sister forwarded your message about canker sores in your throat. I have extensive experience with that so wanted to share my history with you, for whatever its worth. Many years ago when I was 17 and stressed out...not enough rest, moved to new high school, poor eating habits, etc., I got a sore on the outside of the corner of my mouth that would not heal and continually cracked open. I started feeling tired but pretty much ignored it until I woke one morning and had an outbreak of little blisters on the outside of my cheek and the sore in the corner of my mouth has spread to both upper and lower lips (a huge cold sore/herpes simplex). Over the course of the next several days the sores spread inside my mouth and down my throat and into the espohagus (sp) and stomach. Needless to say I was a very sick puppy. The doctor said their was nothing they could do, that the infection would just have to run its course, normally about 10 days. I could not swallow or even move my tongue because of the sores so ended up in the hospital with IVs in both feet and both hands due to dehydration. The doctor called it a "primary infection of herpes simplex". That was 37 years ago, and even tho I have had lots and lots of canker sores and lots of cold sores, only a few of the canker sores tht I have had over the years were actually herpes sores. Generally they are bigger and most definitely hurt. I have found in the last year that if I rinse and gargle with listerine full strength at the first sign of a canker sore and several times daily,they generally are short lived. Also, when I find myselt getting a high number of cold sores I take a course of Zovirax, this is the first virus medicine on the market but I believe there are several new ones now. I would recommend you talk to your doctor about this. Yes, canker sores can be herpes, but it is not the same as genital herpes, same family, but different.