Patty Sue
There have been several cases of Bacterial Meningitis reported in my daughter's area. 7 of these children have died. One child at my grandson's elementary school came down with Bacterial Meningitis a week ago and was rushed to the hospital. THIS MORNING a 6th grader from his middle school DIED from Bacterial Meningitis. These two sick children are just too close to home and we are all worried. Due to a person's right to privacy, we do not know who the elementary child is that goes to school with my grandson, nor do we know how this child is doing. Is he/she in the hospital or home? Getting better or worse? Nor do we know who the child was at the Middle School that died today. However, we do know that at least 7 KIDS HAVE DIED RECENTLY IN MY DAUGHTER'S STATE. How can we protect our children if we don't know how? Everyone is real nervous, because going to the same school and not knowing what grade or any information is really scary. My youngest grandson is just a baby and he & my daughter are both sick. We have been told that the germs can be spread by coughing and if my grandson goes into a room where the sick child has coughed or sneezed on a desk or crayon and then my grandson touches the desk or crayon, he can still pick up the germ - this is very alarming. How long can germs survive? Can my grandson carry the germ home with him and expose his baby brother? The child left school one week ago - can his/her germs still be floating around on tables, door handles,or crayons for others to get sick? I've never know anyone that had this disease, but I am becoming well aware how deadly and serious it can be. What can we do to protect ourselves? What are the symptoms? I am not familiar with this disease at all. I'm worried about my grandson and the other kids at both schools. Did the middle school child that died this morning, have brothers, sisters or friends that attended the elementary school? Both schools are in the same district and it is the same middle school my grandson will attend. How safe is he? Any information to protect my family and friends will be helpful. Thanks.