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My 2 year old son was wrongly diagnosed with "THE FIFTH DESEASE" a viral infection that does not have treatment. The only thing to do is to let it run its course and make the child confortable. However, after a week of fever it was concluded that he had "Scarlet Fever" and anibiotics were prescribed. I understand that SCARLET FEVER if left untreated can have serious complications such as RHEUMATIC FEVER that can affect the hart and other organs. I have read that RHEUMATIC FEVER can follow untreated SCARLET FEVER in a matter of weeks. I also read that RHEUMATIC FEVER attacks usually occur at ages of 7 to 14 years. Does this mean that my son can develop REHUMATIC FEVER any time between now (2 year old) and when he is 14 years old? Is there anything I can do now to make sure he will not develop this condition?