Are you thin and hungry all the time? Or do you feel gaseous after eating a lot of the time? If you answered yes to either of these questions, the rash you have could be due to a food intolerance - of wheat, it's called Celiac Disease which causes stomach problems in some (most) and skin eruptions in some. The skin condition is called Dermatitis Herpetiformis - check it out at the Celiac Sprue Association website and see if it fits for you. It is described as an "intensely itchy skin eruption distinguished by the formation of small papules and vesicles." It looks like bumps or blisters. They burn and itch before they appear. They don't get inflamed and don't contain pus - diagnosis needs to be done by a physician with a biopsy and there is treatment and one needs to abstain from wheat and wheat products. Feel free to email me at if you cannot find info on this - your dermatologist should know about it. Good luck! Ann