Mike Ong
Message 1 of 1
I am a 21 years old teenager. My queries to all of you out there who can give me some useful information will be greatly appreciated. The reason being I need to find out if my pnuemothorax was connected to my accident. This will allow me to take action against the other party. My case : I had a motorcycle accident on December. I was a pillion rider and was thrown off 15 metres away from the vehicle and landed on my left back. Subsequently, I was admitted into hospital for bruises and sprain and was discharged two days later. When I got home, I experienced a sharp pain on my back which obviously sustained from the accident.(internal pain directly behind my left lung) For a month, I did not do any exercises. I felt that I was all right for some exercises therefore, I went for my 2.4km run, pull -ups and 20 sets of dip. Just as I did my very first few sets of dip, I encountered a sharp pain on my left lung. Immediately, I stopped and the very next day I was admitted to Hospital from which the doctor did a needle aspiration on my pneumotorax. Case two :(The pain from accident was still there) The second time I experienced a sharp pain was about a month from the first pnuemothorax reaction. That morning when I woke up,I felt discomfort on my back. I thought that it was a muscle strain at the back of my left lung (probably from the pain I described) I started to do some stretching on my arms. Due to the pain on my back, I did a few stretching hoping to relieve the pain. Instead of disappearing, it got worse. I was again admitted into hospital and found to have another pneumothorax recurrence. The doctor did a chest-tube insertion on me. I was put on bed for 17 days. After the operation on my left lungs, the pain finally disappeared. Yours truly, Ong Kheng Kwang