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I suffer from laryngitis that lingers for many weeks after the initial viral infection has subsided. At present I am into my fourth week without my voice and have not made any progress despite having spent an entire week not speaking to anyone. I have seen an Ear Nose & Throat specialist, but other than telling me I had inflamed vocal cords and refering me to our local hospital's speach therapist, and reassuring me that it is not the onset of cancer or any other disease. My mother has a theory that my being born premature may have something to do with my ongoing problems with my voice. When I was younger, she used my voice as her monitor for my well being. She said my voice always gave me away. This is the third time in the last ten years that I have suffered from long term laryngitis and wondered if there are any other sufferers out there who might have some suggestions? It's very lonely not being able to work and interact with the rest of the world, can anyone help? Regards Angela