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Dear Dr., I am a woman of 47 years, who until a year ago had not suffered any type of disease, but for a year I have been feeling in many occasions binding in the joints of the hips; In others, when the crisis is but strong, collection, of simultaneous form, pain in the hips (coverall in the right), heat sensation in the plant of the right foot and my right eye comes off a species mucosity. I have consulted the case in different specialists and have had different answers: Bursitis, fibromialgias,, etc. Nevertheless my attacks continue, and when it takes corticoids I only thought that my annoyances had sent. X-rays, ecografías and gammagrafías have made me and all the results indicate a normal situation. Of all the made tests, the only ones that they have given positive results have been the following ones: - inmunólogico Factor HLA-B27 (99%) - quística Adhesion in the left ovary. Very it would be been thankful him if it will orient to me on the way to follow. Very been thankful by its attention, To A.C.