I just read all the messages from all you women (and one man...ha) who are having problems with ovarian cysts. I too am plagued with them! I am a 27 year old mother of two girls. Mine seemed to have started at the beginning of this year. Pain, pain, and more pain. Not to mention frustration!! Do you know that ovarian cysts display almost all of the symtoms of being pregnant? My husband of 7 years and I have been trying to get pregnant thoughout all of this. Two times we even got a positive pregnancy test! I'm sure you know how dissapointed we were to find out that not only were we NOT pregnant......but instead...CYSTS!! I've been very worried that this might cause me to be infertile. I was so glad to hear of the new baby!!!! My cysts have burst also, so maybe I too will recover enough to have another baby..hopefully a boy!! I am now in between doctor visits hoping and praying that this time they will be gone!! Before I go..a little advice to my fellow sufferers. Taking one Aleve during those particularly painful times has helped me better than anything else! And as for the times when you feel you just might pull out all your hairs one at a time...take 1200 mg. of Calcium and a strong B vitamin at the same time!! In twenty minutes you'll feel like YOU again! If anyone needs to talk to someone who understands, please e-mail me at: God Bless!