Hello, Well first of I can tell you that you need to reduce some stress in your life. Plain and simple as that seems your health depends on it. Stress is making your condition worse and will contiue to do so. Now enough of the lecture. Ha. Here are some pointers and I hope they help. You may already have been told of them. It is essential that you start taking som Bio-Bifidus and Kyo-Dophilus to replace flora and improve assimilation. You need to take fiber at least 30 grams a day. Oat bran, psyllium or ground flaxseed. Start taking a multienzyme complex with pancreatin. I can tell you that the amino acid L-Glutamine is helpful. Eat a low-carb diet with high levels of protein from vegetables and fish. Stay away from grains, seeds or nuts. Brown rice is okay. Stay away from lots of sugar, red meats, dairy products and fried foods. When you do get an attack give yourself a cleansing enema using 2 quarts lukewarm water and the juice of a fresh lemon. Hey if you haven't tried the baby foods when your hurting you should. There is some yummy stuff in those jars. One other thing would be to go to an allergy specialist and see if you don't have food allergies.They are often a cause of intestinal disorders Well good luck. You are in my prayers. Cheryl