You might just have IBS instead...Go to an oncology/GYN doctor. I did after going thru this same description of pain and it turned about to be IBS and a tear in my intestinal tract of 6 inches from a colonoscopy procedure. I feel the pain you are going thru and I too had it so bad the attacks were so painful that I would pass out and wake up 4 hrs later not realizing what had happened. This is nothing to put off...I was told I was causing my pain to come and that I was told to go to pain clinic for 18 dys to learn to deal with the pain. I still have the pain but once in a while only. I take Prevacid and Sythmicone and it really helps. If you would like to talk please email me. I suffered for 13 yrs while serving in the military and stress helps it come faster too. The prevacid helps control the bouts of constipation and diahria and the sythmethicone helps the bloating and acid reflux which comes next.