My 5 1/2 month old grandson is in the hospital now. He has been there for almost a week. He was originally taken there because my daughter found him in his bed barely breathing. Two days later he started having seizures. The doctors keep saying that they think he had a stroke. I have never heard of a baby having a stroke. Someone suggested to me today that the babysitter might have injured him. I have been so worried that I had not thought of that. I know my daughter would never shake him. I don't think the father would. The baby had only been at this new babysitter for a couple of weeks. My best friend saw her the other day and said just by what she saw, she would not leave a child with her. Besides the seizures, his other symptoms are irritablity, at times he can't be still and other times he seems too still. His appetite is still very good. It is hard to judge some of the symptoms because he is on medication. I would be interested in anyone's thoughts on this. Thanks in advance.