my 17 year old son feels fine now but about 3 weeks ago he had a temp. of 102-104 for 1 day, headache, slight nausea, achy, and some diarrhea. Blood work showed low white count of 1.8-he was put on antibiotics-his white blood rose to 5.2 while on antibiotics and his viral count deceased to 56% from 67%-he continues to run a low white count it is now 3 weeks later and white count is 4.8, absolute neutrophil count is 1008 and viral count is 67%. What types of tests are done to determine if he has Neutropenia? Also what other possible causes could cause this? Mono test was negative. Thank you-our doctor is also researching what we should do-as our son says he feels fine and is able to work long days. Thank you for any suggestions that I may take and discuss with my physician.