There is aa condtion called VULVADYNIA,,which is a burning and irritation in the vulva & vagina,,whenit is bad, it fewels like you have been squatting over a blow torch. There is no cure and I WAS oin the Vulcadynia Board for about 8mos so "talkedx" to many girls who ha dit and most said they thought it was a yeast infection and so did some doctors. I have it, along with IC and other syndromes, so am up on the various treatments, creams, ointments, steroids, etc. used for comfort. Persoanlly, I have a paper cup in the bathroom which I fill with plain warm water and pour it over the area after emptying the bladder and it doesn't CURE it but makes it pretty comfortable..just a self "treatment" I ran into. There IS a Vylvadynia board which is very active..about 100 gals who all discuss their means of helping it. I have read a number of doctors' articles annd also belong to the two VBulvadynia Ass'ns. which have email #s and 800 #s and also you can belong to them for about $25.00 a yr.