No, interstiitial cystitis effects the bladder. It has no bearing on the uterus or your ovaries so it should NOT cause infertility. IF you have symptoms of IC but are undiagnosed you caould have something else going on. Endometriosis often effects the bladder and can also interfer with getting pregnant. Many women with Endo also have IC. Two different problems but there seems to be a small conncetion. I have had endo for 20 yrs and can tell you the first place it was found was on my bladder. My bladder and uterus were stuck together from the lessions. Before this diagnosis I complained for almost 3 yrs of constant bladder pain. I thought I had a bladder or urninary tract infection. The tests for those were always negative. Do you have any symptoms of Endo? Painful periods? Painful intercourse? Painful ovluation? Heavy periods? If yes, see an endo or pelvic pain specialist. If you want it treated right I would skip the GYN! Too many babies and not enough time to devote to endo treatment and surgery. Good Luck! Kimb