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Both of my sons were furniture walkers until 14 months, then they just decided to walk! They both toilet trained a bit after 2 years also, I believe about 2 1/2 years. I don't believe in pushing a natual function before they are ready,and once they realized what the feeling meant, they woke up dry, from then on. Everyone else's children did these things before my sons, both got thier first tooth at 8 months, not 5 or 6 months. The best part is the oldest is a genuis, with an IQ of 148, and the other, is an excellent student! They were born 12 years apart, so it must be some genitic plan!(The slow to walk,teeth, and use toilet part) So I wouldn't worry. by the way, I walked at 8 months, but at age 2 got meningitis, then right afterwards scarlet fever. I had trouble walking until I was recovered.