Ian, Thank you for replying to my message. I hope the injections will help you. For myself I feel as if I'm physically falling to pieces. I stay so tired, almost exhausted, all the time. If I walk any at all I'm out of breathe. The neurologist said I might have fluid in my lungs and probably arthritus in my ankles. Suggested I see my family doctor. My family doctor did x-rays,checked my lungs and blood test. No sign of fluid in lungs or arthritus in ankles. The doctors cannot tell me what is causing the intense pain in my ankles. So far I walk normally. I have an appointment with a cardiologist for a complete check-up. Anymore all I do is go to doctors. Right now I'm taking Artane and Tomapax. Cannot tell if the medicine is helping me.Hope all goes well with you. Hornet